Footprints of Bo Leibowitz ボー・リーボヴィッツが残したもの
Miwako's EYE



Saturday is the only day that I can finish work before 7 pm. After work, I go to the parking lot, get in the car, shake off the week, and start streaming Bo Leibowitz’s radio program Strictly Jazz on KCRW. As the Los Angeles Times writes, “with a calm, smooth-as-polished-brass voice … precisely attuned to the atmospherics of his 3 a. m. KCRW time slot,” Bo’s voice would come out from the speakers and I would lean back with a feeling of relief after a week of work. I have missed that voice for the last couple of months and found out this morning that he passed away on Monday. He had been the voice of Strictly Jazz for the last 40 years.

土曜の夜だけが私が午後7時前に仕事を終えることができる日。仕事が終わって駐車場に行って車に乗って、KCRWのボー・リーボヴィッツのStrictly Jazz をストリーミングする。ロスアンジェルス・タイムス紙が「KCRWの午前3時の時間帯にぴったりの雰囲気に合った ー 穏やかで磨かれた真鍮のようなスムーズな声 ー」と評するように、Boの声がスピーカーから流れ出し私は一週間の仕事のあとの安堵感で車の椅子にもたれかかる。過去2ヶ月間その声を聞くことができずついにリタイアしたかと思っていたら、月曜にに亡くなったと今朝報道があった。Boの番組 Strictly Jazz は40年も続いた番組だった。

…and I think of the power of the radio. I used to live in Los Angeles where you have to use the car wherever you want to go. Back then, before iTunes, YouTube, and all the other streaming services widely available now, car radio was our background music while driving. There were so many radio stations in LA, but my favorite was KCRW (and still is). KCRW’s website describes its mission as to create and curate “a unique mix of content revolving around music discovery, NPR news, cultural exploration and informed public affairs”. It opened my eyes and my world to a truly eclectic mix of music, and keen observations of many people’s lives in the US and abroad.


According to Tom Schnabel, the former music director of KCRW, “Bo played nothing but the top musicians in jazz music: his three-hour tributes to Thelonious Monk, Billie Holiday, Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie, and Ella Fitzgerald offered the most complete radio portraits ever heard on the radio. Bo was uncompromising in his taste, a true jazz purist. His knowledge of the genre was encyclopedic. Whenever I went to him with a question, he had the answer. I never ceased to be impressed by him.” Rest in peace Bo. I miss you so…

Those who wish to hear his voice, here is the link: 

KCRWの前ミュージックディレクターのTom Schnabelによると、「Boは番組ではジャスのトップミュージシャン作品のみを流した:彼の3時間にわたるセロニアス・モンク、ビリー・ホリディ、マイルス・デイヴィス、ディジー・ガレスピー、エラ・フィッツジェラルドへのトリビュートはラジオ史上でもっとも完全なラジオ・ポートレートを提供した。Boは自分の好みに妥協はせず、真のジャズ・ピュアリストだった。彼の知識は百科事典並みで、私が何か聞いたら、彼は必ず答えることができた。彼を凄いと思う気持ちは最後まで消えなかった。」Bo、土曜の夜は当分寂しいことになりそうです。





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