Kazuma Obara “Exposure” World Press Photo Contest First Prize (stories)
Miwako's EYE

POS1 - Kazuma Obara © Norihiko Ishii


今年のWorld Press Photo コンテスト 人物Stories 部門で見事に一位に輝いたのは宮城県出身の小原一真さん。

以下はWorld Press Photoのサイトより。

Kazuma Obara is a photojournalist based in the UK and Japan.


After the tsunami and nuclear disaster in 2011, he began documenting the disaster area, photographing from inside Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Obara was the first photojournalist to convey the story from inside the plant. His work in the disaster areas was published as the photobook Reset Beyond Fukushima, published by Lars Müller Publishers, Switzerland in March 2012.

2011年の津波と原発事故より福島第一原子力発電所の中から写真を撮り始め災害フォトジャーナリストの第一歩を歩みだす。原発内部からの報道を行った最初のフォトジャーナリストである。彼の写真集は2012年3月スイスの出版社より”Reset Beyond Fukushima” というタイトルで出版される。

In 2014, he focused on victims of World War Two in Japan and his self published photobook Silent Histories was shortlisted for Paris Photo/Aperture Photo Book Award and was selected for TIME, Lens Culture, and Telegraph Best Photobook 2014. Continuing his pursuit of nuclear labour issues as a long term project,

2014年には日本での第二次世界大戦の犠牲者に焦点を当てた自費出版”Silent Histories”がパリのAperture Photo Book Award の最終選考リストに載り、またTIME誌やLens Culture誌Telegraph紙にもBest Photobookに選ばれる。


As of 2015, he is studying at London College of Communication for a master’s degree in Photojournalism and Documentary Photography.A partner photographer of Swiss photo agency Keystone, his photographs appear regularly in The Guardian, Courier international, ZEIT, El Mund, BBC, CNN, NHK, and DAYS JAPAN.

現在London College of Communicationの修士課程に在籍中で、彼の作品はThe Guardian, Courier international, ZEIT、El Mund, BBC, CNN, NHK、DAYS JAPANによく採用される。


The world’s worst nuclear accident happened in 1986 at the chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine. Just five months after the disaster, a girl was born in Kiev just 100 km south of Chernobyl. The wind included a great amount of radioactive elements, and the girl became one of the victims of the tragedy. This series of pictures represent the last 30 years of the life of that girl. All pictures were taken on old color negative film that was found in the city of Pripyat near the power plant.




その後に出版した”Silent Histories”,そして今回受賞した”Exposure” 彼が捉えた声をあげることができない人たちの叫びが聞こえてきそうです。そして使用したフィルムが原発近くの町で見つかったものとは・・・こたえますね。

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