Miwako's EYE, Students

Hiro -2, June 29, 2017



びっくり!! レッスンの途中にオフィスにものを取りに行ったらなんとHiroが! What a great surprize!!

“Why didn’t you call me before coming here?”

“Well, I called, but I wanted it to be a surprize.!”


今はカリフォルニアのUCSB (University of California, Santa Barbara)にテニスの奨学金をもらって行っているそうです。専攻は Globala Studies。世界の様々なニュースや動向、政治から文化的なことまでいろいろ学んでいるようです。学校のキャンパス内にビーチがあるという贅沢な環境らしいです。

He is currently going to UCSB and yes, still playing tennis. He looks much more Californian than before and seems to be enjoying the college life there. He said there is a beanch on campus!







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Students, TOEIC




毎回真剣にレッスンに取り組み、だんだん彼女の言語センスが磨かれて、カンが良くなってきていることを感じています。長く速いスピードの文章をしっかりディクテーションできますし、難しいPart 7も正答率が上がってきています。あとはスピードをもう少しあげることができれば、簡単にリーディングセクションで100点は上げることができると思います。リスニングは最初から悪くはなかったのであまり力をいれていませんでしたが、あとPart 3とPart 4をしっかりやれば、あと50点リスニングの点数をあげるのもそう難しくないと思います。



Miwako's EYE, Students



Maya, my student when she was a high school student, is back in Nagasaki now. I went to see her in Costa Rica two years ago when she was studying at University for Peace mandated by UN. I was quite impressed with all the students I met there. Maya is still very energetic and thinking about lots of world issues. We spoke mostly in English and yes, she was amazing!


Her next stage of life is going back to her old university in Costa Rica as a faculty member to help create programs for Asian related issues. She will go to the Philippines, Cambodia, and Indonesia and comes back to Japan once before going there.


She has always been thinking about what she can contribute to the society. It is a fantastic job for her  to utilise all what she has to improve the current social situations and construct the paths for the next stages.


She gave me a book she made with her friends. The book is about a boy who was separated from his family due to the war. Wherever he goes, he was not welcomed. It is heartbreaking to think about the future of this boy. There used to be a refugee camp in Nagasaki. Refugee issues seem something happening far away from us, but there must be something we can do to help those people.





One of my students, a medical professional, left for Canada for a research a year ago March. It seems like only yesterday that we were communicating back and forth with the university. Well, as I always say that the time passes so quickly.


She has done so much at the university in a very different environment.


She was quite busy writing and revising her paper in the final months. She is very willing to write more research papers in English in the near future.


She told me many things happened there. One of the things she said was that the doctors and other medical professionals at the hospital are equal, which I have heard many times. Everyone who has worked in a US hospital says the same thing. I suppose in Japan the doctors are on top of the pyramid.


She also says that she got bolder, or rather she is not as shy or hesitant as before. I completely understand this as I had gone through this as well. You must be proactive over there every day without being intimidated. It is no use for you to think like “Will he feel bad if I say this…?” or”I am so embarrassed saying such things.”


Her professional life aside, she has enjoyed her daily life there going to the cafes and restaurants with her friends and traveled here and there. She must have a new network of professional friends.


This experience will for sure make her more motivated and successful personally and professionally.











We had a small gathering with some students who graduated high school last month. Some could not join as they had already left Nagasaki. Most of them have been coming to Estaminet English School since they were little. I feel happy for their graduation, but at the same time I feel sad to see them go.


One thing I always witness in those students is their shining eyes with lots of happiness, hope and expectations. After going through a hard year of studying, they must feel so free. It’s always exciting to go to the next chapter of your life. Thank you very much for sharing that with me. I am inviting some of those going to Osaka to join me studying the next level of English there.


Hope all of you enjoy the next chapter of your lives. And Don’t forget to continue studying English as your skill will help you along the way.



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