Great to see you! 昔の生徒さんが続々会いにきてくれました!
Miwako's EYE

Yuki Nakashima-1 Sept. 2019 IMG_1123


We’ve had quite hectic 10 days teaching so many classes, doing English intensive courses, and participating two events involving cooking and lots of preparation. During that time, coincidentally so many old students came to visit us. It was the most precious moments for us!
Thank you very much for visiting us Yuki, who was my first kid student about 25 years ago when she was 12, now lives in Mie; Haruna who just graduated from university in Tokyo and is heading on to an exciting international job; Sayaka from Chicago who studied for one year in Michigan when she was a high school student and went onto university and got her MBA (amazing!); Shiori who went to the university in the US, became a nurse and is now back in Nagasaki, Kazuya who was one of our very first students back in our humble small cafe near Nagayo station and was a table tennis champion of Nagasaki Prefecture, went on to study in Tokyo and the US; and finally Sataki who also started coming to Estaminet when she was 12, went onto a university in Australia, got married and is now a mother of three.
Thank you very much everyone!! We really felt so great to see you all!
みんな時間を作ってくれて私たちに会いにきてくれて本当にありがとう〜! またね〜:)

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