PICK UP, Students, TOEIC

Screen Shot 2018-12-29 at 01.50.47Just before the end of the year today, I received two emails reporting that my students achieved their goals on the TOEIC test and the clinical technologist level 1 state examination. I am so happy and proud of them!






こういう生徒さんたちが教師としての私を成長させてくれるんだと本当に実感しました。Kちゃん、本当におめでとう!I am so proud of you!!

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Miwako's EYE

Photo on 12-21-18 at 14.34 (1)

We had a guest from Kenya today. She is visiting her brother living here. It was a long journey for her to get here, but she said she is enjoying her stay in Nagasaki so far.

According to her, there are over 60 tribes in Kenya including Maasai and Turkana. She belongs to the largest tribe, Kikuyu. There are two official languages in Kenya, Swahili and English. So all the children learn those two languages at school. In addition, they speak their tribal language at home. Consequently, many people are trilingual. 

She introduced the staple food in Kenya called ugali, a type of cornmeal porridge. I’d love to try that some day.

Thank you very much Salome for coming to our class!







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Well, we all sort of know this, that our chronological age does not necessarily correlate with how our body is functioning. Today I learned a new word, phenotypic age. Chronological age represents how old you are and biological or phenotypic age is the age at which your body is functioning.

According to Dr. Morgan Lavine at Yale Pathological Lab, what this phenotypic age measurement does is give us a better idea where someone stands for their age. Even though someone may be chronologically 50 years old, they might have the health risk of someone who is 55 years old.

The team identified 9 biomarkers taken in a simple blood test that seems to be the most influential on lifespan. It included blood sugar, kidney and liver markers as well as immune and inflammatory measures.

She says that if we’re given this type of information early enough, hopefully before disease develops, we can take steps to improve our health before it’s too late.

Please check here for video: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/11/30/health/live-longer-biological-age-intl/index.html

今日Phenotypic ageという新しい言葉を学びました。pheno- という言葉はappearing つまり現れる、現れているというという意味です。生まれてから毎年毎年誕生日を過ぎるごとに重ねていくのが「年齢」ですが、フィノティッピック年齢というのは「実際に自分の肉体が機能している年齢」のことを言います。




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Miwako's EYE, PICK UP



There is a phrase called ‘servant leadership’ where a leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible. Setsu Suzuki really demonstrated that yesterday in Tokyo at the kick-off event of WEConnect International in Japan. “WEConnect International is a global network that connects women-o
wned businesses to qualified buyers around the world (from their website).” All the efforts she and her team had put to make this event happen is beyond my imagination. However, the conference was a great success in all the details and consequently, everyone attended from around Japan went home with shining eyes with their very positive future in mind. Thank you very much, Setsu for letting me be part of this wonderful event!
きのう東京の政策研究大学院大学で行われたウイコネクト インターナショナル日本支部第一回大会に参加してきました。ウイコネクトは女性の起業を促し、すでにある女性がオーナーの企業の応援をする世界組織です。
世津さん、本当にありがとう!You are amazing!!
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